Find your role on Earth, your Life Purpose in just 1 day, in 1 session with QHHT

Are you trying to find out why are you here, on Earth?
What is your Life Purpose?
Is something holding you back, and you know you need to break free?
Do you need powerful, definitive Healing?
The most thorough,
powerful Healing and Life Direction
experience we can access today

Are you looking for some guidance on your Spiritual path?
Can you sense how important Meditation is, but you don't know where to start?
Or perhaps you have been meditating for some time, and you feel like you are ready to explore deeper practices and Higher States of Consciosness?
Learn and Master Advanced
Meditation and Spiritual Practices
for Enlightenment

Human Spiritual Evolution
"La via veramente via , non e' via costante " Tao Te Ching
Benvenuti sulla HomePage di Human Spiritual Evolution.
Un "luogo" cerato per il supporto del viaggio dell'anima e dell' evoluzione della coscienza dell'essere umano per la creazione di un mondo nuovo.
Gli approcci fondamentali seguiti ed offerti qui sono basati su antiche pratiche meditative, moderne pratiche di auto-conoscenza , e la riscoperta del Se superiore ove risiedono tutta la nostra saggezza e le memorie dell'anima delle proprie dimensioni piu' spirituali e sottili.
Tutti i programmi possono essere svolti on-line, in via remota.
QHHT at Your Location, Worldwide
I offer QHHT sessions at any location worldwide. Wherever you are, I might be able to travel to meet you and guide your amazing QHHT session.
A Testimonial from Malaysia:
How it works:
Schedule a Free 20-minute Consultation: Discuss your needs and desired session location. Click the button below to get started.
Accelera la tua Evoluzione Spirituale
La nostra missione e' aiutarti a comprendere, navigare ed accelerare la tua crescita spirituale. Che sia attraverso queste profonde sessioni di ipnosi o attraverso un programma personalizzato di pratiche spirituali , potrai trovare il supporto che cerchi.
Download a free guided meditation, so you can start the process of Mastering your Breath and Energies
Why not subscribe to the newsletter using the short form below and receive FREE access to Ignazio's Guided Healing Meditation
Master Your Breath - How to Nourish & Cultivate Your Energy Body
An ancient Taoist practice, this guided meditation is based on managing the breath to be slow and deep. It then focuses on the major energy reservoirs in the body and on clearing the connecting channels between them and between some major organs and energy centres. Read more about this FREE available guided meditation here, and sign up below to receive the full access.
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An ancient Taoist practice, this guided meditation is based on managing the breath to be slow and deep. It then focuses on the major energy reservoirs in the body and on clearing the connecting channels between them and between some major organs and energy centres. Read more about this FREE available guided meditation here, and sign up below to receive the full access.